Course: German-Berlin (English)
Learning in our small groups is characterized by a high level of individual activity. The focus is on speaking the foreign language. Alternating social forms (partner, group and individual work), varied work tasks, many communicative exercises and a motivating classroom atmosphere ensure a positive learning experience and effective learning. What you learn will help you to master professional and private situations.
General Language
You will learn how to introduce yourself, and how to provide and request personal information (origin, nationality, where you live and work, address and phone number). You will acquire a basic vocabulary covering home, family, clothing, food, shopping, weights and measures, and learn how to ask and answer questions about time.
Moving on from these basics, you will learn the times of day, days of the week, months and seasons, as well as how to describe the weather. You will describe your leisure activities and daily routine. You will learn how to ask for basic information at the train station or airport desk, and articulate simple requirements.
The final part of the course will teach you to make yourself understood while travelling, and to give and request directions. You will learn how to express your opinions, how to speak about actions and events in the past, and how to talk about plans, predictions and intentions.
Course information
Location | |
Course name | German-Berlin |
Language | English |
Content | General Language |
Start date | |
Course day(s) | |
Level A2: Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.